Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15, 2010

You've probably heard of this organization...

Teen Betterment

Above the Influence
Created to spread awareness about illegal substance abuse, especially marijuana.
In your program, list some facts about different drugs and spread awareness about how dangerous they are. For example:
A risk of weed is you could become schizophrenic
You can die from the first use of meth, cocaine, and heroin
Ecstacy is addicting
Meth can cause audio and visual hallucinations
Ketamine was originally intended for an anesthetic for animals
Facts like that can be incorporated in several ways in a program. A scavenger hunt, jeopardy game, or even a discussion could really bring the point across.

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12, 2010

I am very embarrassed in the span of time that I have not been posting. I apologize.

Parks Wildlife Conservation

Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation
A four-star rated non-profit charity, TPWF provides education, scholarship opportunities, internships, and outdoor activities for kids to teach about the conservation of parks and wildlife.
Clean up trash in a local park or even around your synagogue is a great way to exhibit concern for Earth and its conservation, which will show others in your community that they should become more involved.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

Just got back from Detroit. If anyone is looking at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor for college, I highly suggest it. It's a beautiful campus!

While in Detroit, I visited a cousin of my dad's that is developmentally disabled. She inspired this post.

The Willie Ross Foundation
Their goal is to enhance the quality of life for deaf, nonverbal, and developmentally challenged adults.
An amazing mitzvah would be to draw pictures to the residents instead of writing letters not only because they cannot read but because they have a program called P.A.L.E. which stands for Pictures Assisted Language Enhancement. Draw them pictures of flowers, houses, etc. so that they are easy to understand.
This cause is extremely important to me, so it would be amazing if one day we did the above program idea.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18, 2010

I woke up bright and early to do this last post this week because I have a bar-mitzvah to attend in Detroit!!

Doctors Without Borders
These doctors are commited to bring quality medical care to those caught in crisis around the globe.
I am being rushed out of here to the airport, I will complete this ASAP.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16, 2010

Sorry for the lapse in entries, I was in Florida!


Teen Betterment

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
AFSP is the leading non-profit organization 100% dedicated to the understanding and prevention of suicide through research, advocacy, outreach, and education.
Texas's only chapter is in Central Texas. You can write them about possible activities or donate at:
AFSP - Central Texas
P.O. Box 28121
Austin, TX 78755-8121
To OKATY - they have no chapters in Oklahoma. Maybe advocate to create one or make one yourself!!!
Spread awareness and create outreach programs within your community to help depressed teens. Talk to someone new and make them smile!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010

I will be in Orlando for the next few days and will be unable to update the blog, so here is one that should cover me for at least two or three days :(

Jewish Women in America

A volunteer women's organization whose goal is to strengthen their partnership with Israel, ensure Jewish continuity, and realize their potential as a dynamic force in American society.
This is one of those organizations where all you can do is advocate for and spread awareness, but it's an excellent cause. It's a top-rated charity by the American Institute of Philanthropy and is extremely relatable to a lot of NFTYites (since there are a lot of Jewish women!!).